About FM Diaries

Inspired by the different eras of British football over the last 60 years – as well the first incarnation of the Championship Manager games and Football Italia from the early 90s – FM Diaries is a love letter to the earlier days of Premier League, 4-4-2 long pass tactics and the concept of defensive football.

Casting an eye over Wimbledon’s legendary shithousery from the 1980s; Sam Allardyce’s Bolton Wanderers from the early naughties; and the Tony Pulis days of Stoke City, FM Diaries takes a decidedly left field view of attritional and brutal football, altering the time line of football history and creating an entirely new universe in each narrative and save

Primarily using retro databases by The Mad Scientist, FM Diaries is a blog that takes on the guise of both fictional and real life players and managers in the game in the form of a ‘Dear Diary’ concept.

Think of the writing of Jack Kerouac, but if he was writing a diary entry from the point of view of a manager who loves hoofball, pints, pies and the attritional football of a Leeds side coached by Don Revie.

Instead of focusing on pillaging South American countries for wonder kids or the idea of death by a 10,000 passes in the form Taki Taki football or whatever the fuck it’s called, FM Diaries is something you can pick up at a moments notice and laugh about just as quickly, whether you’re on your way to a football match, bored at work or sitting on the crapper (bonus points for all three).